American Philatelic Society

Conduct Unbecoming

Resolved that Conduct Unbecoming a Member shall consist of, but is not limited to, the following types of unacceptable action on the part of any APS member. Members found guilty of such activity are subject to discipline and possible expulsion.

  • Any conduct in violation of the APS Code of Ethics.
  • Use of abusive or obscene language in any communication, spoken or written, with any director or member of the APS staff acting in an official capacity.
  • Use of violence or a threat of violence against any APS staff member, director, or other APS member.
  • Use of falsehood, trickery, or misleading tactics to obtain a judgment against anyone in the course of an APS disciplinary process, including proceedings before or adjudicated in a court of law if those proceedings become part of an APS disciplinary hearing.
  • Abuse of the APS complaints procedure, including, but not limited to, submitting a frivolous or groundless complaint against a member.
  • Harassment or retaliation against a complaining party for sanctions imposed by the APS, including the filing of counter-complaints against the original plaintiff after the decision of the Board of Vice Presidents or Appeals Tribunal becomes final, for matters related to the original complaint.
  • Failure to provide pertinent information or documentation requested by the Board of Vice Presidents during an APS disciplinary investigation, membership application review, or hearing.
  • Intentionally deceptive or misleading claims in sales, or purchases.
  • Conviction in any court of law for a crime involving philatelic material, or conviction of any felony.
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