Some members would like to show more support for the Society than they feel they can immediately provide. The Society understands this and welcomes pledges to be paid over a number of years which help generate a predictable level of future income.
Here's how the Pledge Program worksComplete the Pledge Form indicating the total amount of your pledge and the number of installments you would like to make.
Indicate if your installments will be annually, quarterly, or monthly (most pledges are made on an annual basis although payments may be made more frequently).
Your pledge may be designated to specific programs and may also qualify for naming opportunities. Please be sure to indicate these specific designations when submitting your pledge.
Written receipts are provided for all pledge payments.
A reminder/annual statement is sent in early November showing any pledge or portion of the pledge not yet received.
To set up your pledge, send in the pledge card (.pdf format) to:
100 Match Factory Place
Bellefonte, PA 16823.