American Philatelic Society

The Southern Oregon Philatelic Society (Stamp Club) has been serving stamp collectors in the Rogue Valley in Southern Oregon Since 1951. The area includes Jackson and Josephine counties and the cities of Medford, Grants Pass and Ashland.

Monthly meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the First United Methodist Church at 607 W. Main St. in Medford. A brief business session is followed by an informative program related to the stamp-collecting hobby. Refreshments are served. A holiday banquet takes place at the December meeting.

An informal meeting and trading session is held on the third Thursday at the same location as the regular meetings and are announced both in the monthly bulletin and at the latest meeting. No business meeting, just fun. Several members and dealers also offer a broad selection of material for sale or trade. Youth and new beginners are always welcome! Bring items to swap, trade, sell or just show other collectors.

Periodic Auctions are usually held about four times a year, in February, May, August, and November at the regular first Thursday meeting date. Members may assign philatelic items for sale, as well as donated items, which are auctioned to benefit the club.

The Philatelic Reminder Newsletter is the club’s monthly newsletter and reminds you of upcoming club events and other events around the region. Articles contributed by our members add interest.

To join the Southern Oregon Philatelic Society, please click here to download a membership application form. Or simply come to the next scheduled meeting. Contact President Ed Park with any questions: See Contacts/Resources tab.

Mailing Address: Southern Oregon Philatelic Society, PO Box 142, Medford, or 97501

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