Membership Membership is by calendar year, January 1 thru December 31. Membership dues are $5.00 per calendar year.
Auctions You must be a member to bid at the auction. Auctions are cash and carry. Items donated to the club will be auctioned at the next meeting. Bidding for an absent member is allowed. When bidding for an absent member you must announce who you are bidding for. Auctions are held monthly. Auctions to sell member material are held once a quarter. Each member can enter up to 5 lots in the quarterly auction. When a member’s material is sold the club receives 10% of the selling price. All major decisions are made by majority vote of those members present.
Officers Officers are elected every 4 years unless an opening occurs. No officer shall receive compensation for services in the performance of the duties of office, except reimbursement for documented administrative expenses. The President has general supervisory powers over all matters concerning the club. The Treasurer shall take charge of all monies and securities of the club. He/She shall collect all dues, make periodic reports of the financial standing of the club, deposit all dues and other receipts of the club in an account at a local bank. The account shall be in the club’s name. He/She shall pay out of said account all bills and other obligations of the club such as have been approved by the club.