There are several ways you can help promote membership in the APS:
- Propose a member - You can earn $5.00 for every member that joins with you listed as proposer. Use the Proposer Form
- Use FREE Business Reply Cards - pass them out or distribute them in mailings to your collector friends or customers. We also have a card-display stand for those who can display the cards at a retail store or at a stamp bourse. Click for more details.
- Email or share our pages - At the top of the sidebar on every page of this website is a "Share this page" button. You can use this to email, or share to a social networking site, any page that you think will be of interest to a friend.
- Join our social network and share the news - The APS is on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. You can connect online then post a link to your wall or tweet about our services.
- Request membership forms - Perhaps you have like-minded collector friends, or you attend a local collector group, society or club. You can request brochures and membership forms from the APS to pass on to your friends and contacts. Or, you can print a .pdf version. Be sure to write your name in as proposer!
- Add a signature block to your email - If you send email or use online forums, you could add a message to your signature block. Example - "Proud to be a member of the American Philatelic Society".
- Add a banner to your website - If you run a website or blog you can support the APS by displaying a banner which links to You can right-click and save the banners below to your own computer to upload to your website.
Materials to help you get the word out!
Online Handouts (available in .pdf format):
APS Quick Guide to Member Service - A handout to recap member services, three per page for easy printing and cutting. We recommend you print on cardstock or heavier paper.
APS Bookmarks - APS services highlighted in a nice bookmark format. Five to a page, heavy cardstock is recommended for printing.
"Join APS" sign - available in black and white or full color - 8 1/2" x 11" a great size to put in a plastic holder to display on your retail counter, at your show booth, or on a table at your next club meeting.
"Hobby of a Lifetime" - an 8 1/2" x 11" sign to hang in your local post office (be sure to ask permission!). Available in black and white or full color.
Request a Recruiting Kit - packed full with brochures, educational materials, samples, and more. Contact the APS at 814-933-3803 to request a kit today!