American Philatelic Society

Philatelic Librarians Group

The APRL encourages cooperation and collaboration among philatelic libraries by hosting the Philatelic Librarians Roundtable and the Philatelic Union Catalog.
Philatelic Librarians Roundtable

The Philatelic Librarians Roundtable is a meeting of philatelic library staff, volunteers, and other interested parties. Recent topics of discussion have included the Philatelic Union Catalog, indexing philatelic journals, and digitization.

Meetings are held in person and via conference call. Meetings are announced on our Google Group and on the Philatelic Literature & Research Blog.

Philatelic Library Forum

In addition to in-person and telephone meetings, those interested in philatelic libraries can participate in discussion using the Google Group. You can read and post messages using the Google Groups website, or via e-mail. In addition to sharing ideas and questions, participants often post lists of duplicate materials available and library want lists.

To join the group, visit Google Groups and sign up, or contact Tara Murray.

Philatelic Union Catalog

The APRL hosts a Philatelic Union Catalog to provide researchers with broader access to information regarding the holdings of philatelic libraries and to provide librarians with a tool for more effective cataloging.

We welcome any philatelic library to contribute records. Participating libraries can download records from the shared database to use in their own local catalogs.

To search the union catalog, go to the APRL’s Online Catalog and select “All locations” from the drop-down box at the bottom of the search screen. You can also select an individual library code to search only that library.

If you are interested in contributing to the union catalog, contact Tara Murray.

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