Every club must have at least one member who does for the club what sparkplugs do to engines. Your club may be lucky enough to have a whole set of plugs that really keep things chugging along, or maybe the club engine is sparked by random-firing plugs that flash when they're really needed!
Isn't it time to recognize these people who keep the club going? How about an awards ceremony at your club's next holiday party or summer picnic, to recognize those members? To help you, the APS can provide a FREE official "APS Certificate of Award" for Chapters to present to the honorees of their choice.
The certificate depicts a line drawing of the APS headquarters and APS seal, and provides spaces for the club to fill in the recipient's name, the reason for the award, and the Chapter name. Signature lines are provided for the Chapter president and secretary. There are a few conditions as outlined below.
APS will provide one certificate each year FREE of charge to any Chapter; additional certificates are available for a charge of $2.50 each.
To request your free Certificate of Award, and any additional copies, contact Amy Larimer, 814-933-3803 ext. 225.
- The certificate is used to recognize positive achievement of benefit to the presenting APS Chapter.
- The certificate may be presented to an individual or an organization. Membership in the APS or the presenting Chapter is not required.
- The Chapter will assume all expense and responsibility for inscribing the certificate and for its delivery.
- The Chapter will give appropriate publicity to the presentation of the certificate.
- The presenting Chapter will arrange for an appropriate presentation ceremony during a meeting of the Chapter unless circumstances require presentation elsewhere.
- The presenting Chapter will notify the American Philatelic Society of the name of the recipient of the certificate and any pertinent details regarding its presentation.